Editado por el sello alemán Deepah Recordins, los Dj's barceloneses John Jacobsen & Anzwer nos ofrecen su nueva tema como productores. Su título ya define que es un tema muy bueno y con buen rollo, que va a dar mucho que hablar y sobretodo de bailar. También podemos encontrar los remixes de Tom Leeland y Sven Gosch.
Edited by the German stamp Deepah Recordins, the Barcelonian djs John Jacobsen & Anzwer offer us his new track as producers. His title already defines that it is a very good topic and with good roll that will give much that to speak and overcoat to dance. Also you can find Tom Leeland & Sven's remixtures.
Edited by the German stamp Deepah Recordins, the Barcelonian djs John Jacobsen & Anzwer offer us his new track as producers. His title already defines that it is a very good topic and with good roll that will give much that to speak and overcoat to dance. Also you can find Tom Leeland & Sven's remixtures.
- Original Mix
- Tom Leeland Hit Mix
- Sven Gosch Remix
- Sven Gosch Radio Remix

(A la venta en tiendas digitales / Available on digital stores)
Beatport / Junodownload / Trackitdown / iTunes
Djdownload / Traxsource

WEB: johnjacobsen.net

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